Monday, November 16, 2009

The cartography of Crowdsourcing with PublicEarth and OpenStreetMap

PublicEarth is an open database of places. Michael Rubin, who was an architect of Netflix, wanted to bring the same "element of delight" of connecting people to things they enjoy. Netflix did it for movies, and Public Earth is doing it for locations.
in print and online, as it's hard to make a revenue model work that involves paying people to create content when there are hordes of enthusiastic experts around the world willing to do the job for free. The business of mapping may be similarly doomed, as indicated by PublicEarth, a new wiki-style database of places launching Monday, and by the continued improvement in authoring tools at the crowdsourced mapping service OpenStreetMap.

And as with most of the other products, PublicEarth uses Google base maps. The difference in PublicEarth is in the execution: It's slick, in a good way. For map users, PublicEarth lets you quickly find categories of locations -- romantic, kid-friendly, historic, for campers, etc. -- for places you are going.

The real value to PublicEarth is that it can find places that aren't, as they say, on the map. It's very easy for users to create a point of interest, draw a boundary line around a park, or trace a route to walk or hike. If enough people get into this system it could be a great resource for travelers. Which is the business model.

PublicEarth is also being marketed to activity groups like RV and sports clubs, parents groups, birdwatchers, and so on. It can be used by social networks to collect and collate locations aimed at specific interests, which can help people with those interests when they visit a new region.

Of course, success hinges on contributions, and it's not easy to create a user-maintained location database that sticks. There's also competition: Wikimapia and Yelp come to mind. But if PublicEarth can affiliate with other travel resources it could work out. It is a very strong product. It has the potential to compete with the guidebook market.

OpenStreetMap is a crowdsourced map itself. The project was started before Google Maps came on to the scene, and while the search juggernaut's global road map is certainly more popular, there's a lot to be said for the OpenStreetMap approach. The fact that anyone with an interest in an area can create, correct, or update a map means you can get a lot of very specific data onto the map

Later this month a new map editor, MapZen, is coming to the system from CloudMade, a company that commercializes the OpenStreetMap project. MapZen will make it easier for mappers to create and correct roads and points of interest. An iPhone app, currently in approval limbo, will also make it easier for anyone to walk and map. And new social tools should be good for to help groups of "map buddies" coordinate their work.

OpenStreetMap currently matters more to people in less-mapped regions than to dwellers of hyper-mapped U.S. cities. But ultimately the system may enable new location-based apps and services thanks to its wide-open system.

Google has already added a form of crowdsourcing to its mapping services: Its traffic system gets location and speed data from its mobile users. (Users can get their own raw data through Latitude, if they wish.) But Google relies on its own private mapping data, and its own servers to deliver maps to users. It's an expensive model and it doesn't serve all users in all locations equally. The crowdsourced mapping model is a serious competitor to the proprietary map business.

Adobe launches new Flash, AIR beta

Labs Adobe on Monday released test versions of two base closely associated with Net-based applications, Flash Player 10.1 and AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) 2.
Flash is widely used for streaming video, interactive graphics and games to browsers, AIR, Flash with built as the basis for other applications on the desktop. Both are instrumental to the effort Adobe to Stay Ahead of the gradual expansion of the functions of HTML and web-related standards.

Flash-known support for which only 10.1 Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux computers, but also a variety of smart phones, although not yet built in support. What is the available hard-based Decoding Asked on the H.264 video format, Adobe said, improves performance and saves battery life. It also supports HTTP streaming of content protection technology to Adobe.

A Preliminary version of Flash Player 10.1 for Palm smartphones are expected later this year, Adobe said, and the final version for each system due in the first half of 2010.

AIR 2.0, Flash Player 10.1, which provides closer integration with desktop computers. For example, communication with USB storage devices, user interface Monitor multitouch, proposes the microphone audio data, web pages using HTML5 and CSS version 3, and use UDP Networks Useful in-game chat.

The final version of AIR 2 also in the first half of 2010, that is Adobe.

Reid on Senate Liberals choose public pressure

Aims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) this week to secure the votes of moderate Democrats on Health Care Reform, a group of liberal Senators Monday without warning him to abandon the public-insurance option.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who requested the meeting with Reid, said they believe that progressives are many options on the public - from Medicare-for each proposal to the Reid's proposal to create a plan to supply the national government for the state to opt out.

"Most of us in caucus as a strong choice public, supporting the way to Reid to make it," Brown said. "And we are confident that over time, as to broaden the debate and take us by amendment after amendment after this, we can get 60 votes."

He acknowledged various rates need convincing fashion, but said that little willingness among progressives back down.

The meeting served as another reminder that the public choice among Democrats through online. Even if Reid Able to convince mode rates, including Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Sen .. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), to vote with Democrats on a procedural motion debate to begin before, on the floor caucus to fight hard on the shape of the public plan.

A Senate aide said that plans to discuss health care bill passed by the procedural maneuver known as the reconciliation - a favored by progressive activists because it would enable the Democrats to circumvent the 60-vote filibuster threshold. Supports the majority of the Democratic caucus of the public choice, and only 51 Senators would be required to allow the reconciliation legislation.

But after the hour-long meeting, Senators rejected a report that discussed the reconciliation.

"You must talk to the majority leader," Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) Said.

Schumer said the meeting point was "very smple. A large number of members who feel very strongly about the public choice and how we can achieve. There is also among everyone in the room, and each person in the caucus we have a desire to get aa bill, so the question is how do you resolve their goals. "

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), a moderate, present at the meeting as well, count reporters afterwards, that some compromise is necessary.

"They wanted to speak on the importance of the public choice to be in the bill, I understand," Baucus said. "But the biggest point that we must pass health care reform that hopefully by the end of this year. But we must pass it."

"I made the point that a child or 60 votes is a blessing and a curse," Baucus continued. "It is the curse side is difficult to obtain type 60. It is the blessing side of each person, each of the 60 Senators know that we must pass a health care reform. So there is not a strong driver to find that solution , to obtain a compromise to get some way to find a solution that bridges the gap between those who want to be strong with the public choice and the small Senators on the other side is not. There is always ways to get solutions here . "

Friday, November 13, 2009

Old Man in Safe Sex Video

Let the old man and a friend "Geranimo use condom" over and again, the video presentation that we come sex with a condom this Geranimo was like taking a bath with your SOCKS.

The ad is health education on the expected period of 1988 to give or take and use to promote safe sex. Could not the old man in the video to understand why kids complain today on the use of condoms from today condoms are so much better than the one he used throughout his life.

Woman survives Tumble Train Track

Woman Survives Train Track Tumble - Awesome video clips here

Splash! Mon NASA crash hit much water

Looks suddenly, the moon and exciting. It has plenty of water, scientists said Friday, with the exciting discovery has a ripple of hope for future astronaut in the outpost where the event is always swept and inhospitable.

Experts have long suspected that water was on Monday Confirmation came from the data provided NASA spacecraft deliberately crashed into Lunar crater last month churned."Yes, yes, we found the water. And we did not find it a little. We Found a significant amount," said Anthony Colaprete scientist result of the mission, held a white bucket of water stress.

The moon crash kicked at least 25 liter and directly what scientists could see plumes of impact, Colaprete said.Some space policy experts say makes the moon for inspection attractive again. Would like an abundance of water make it easier to set up a camp basis for astronauts, drinking water supply and an important ingredient in rocket fuel.

"After the final proof that water is a substantial step forward in making the moon an interesting place to go," said George Washington University space policy scholar John Logsdon.

However, members said the blue-ribbon panel to review the plans for the future of NASA does not change the conclusion that the program needs more money or be near the embankment. The panel wants to NASA to look at the other possible targets, such as asteroids and Mars.

"These new results and reassure us great Sun funds, ... but the challenges continue the manned space program," Chris Chyba, a Princeton astrophysicist, are on the panel, said in email.

President George W. Bush had proposed more than 100 billion U.S. dollar plan to return astronauts to the moon, then on to Mars, with a test flight set a new missile early success of Barack Obama last Monday to nominated as Chairman of the special panel to look at the Lunar exploration program at all. The decision is now the White House, and NASA's Lunar plans on hold is just so far.

In connection with unmanned exploration, which had previously noted the presence mission in Cráitéir Lunar hydrogen near the poles of the moon, possible evidence of ice. In September, scientists reported finding small amounts of surface water in the soil on the whole Mon Mon

But it was on the mission of NASA Participation October 9 of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, LCROSS, provided stunning confirmation that announced Friday, the water in the form of ice and steam.

"In place of the dead and unchanging world would be really dynamic and very interesting," said Greg Delory the University of California, Berkeley, was not involved in the mission, led by the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif

The LCROSS spacecraft hit only on the presence on the moon and it is clear how much water is there throughout Monday

Mission in October two permanently shadowed part in crater near the south pole. First, the rocket hit an empty crater in Cabeus torso. Then, the last spacecraft recorded the live play before it crashed on the same site four minutes later.

While scientists were overjoyed with the abundance of data beamed back to earth, the mission was a public relations dud. Space enthusiasts stayed up all night to watch the spectacle that was the document about a huge plume trash.

NASA scientists had predicted the two effects could spit it in the light of dust miles. Instead, only one thousand images showed high-plume, and it did not appear that many amateur astronomers peering telescopes.

One month scientists busy analyzing data from the spacecraft spectrometers, instruments that could detect strong signals from the water molecules in the plume.

"There is evidence that water. Almost like he had a taste," said Peter Schultz, professor of geological sciences at Brown University and co-investigator on the LCROSS mission.

Was pleased Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who in 1969 made a historic Apollo 11 moonwalk with Neil Armstrong, with the latest findings, but still believes the U.S. should be colonize Mars.

"The people overreact to the news, saying:" Let the water Rush to the moon, ' "said Aildrin." It is not justifiable. "

Mission scientists said that it would be more time to tease other was what kicked dust on the moon.
AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein contributed to this report.

Switzerland takes Google to court

Google Web Directory massive search before the trial in Switzerland because of concerns about privacy service Street View.

The full application view 360-level version of a street-level location.

Not "many forward and registration plates made known to many," said Hans Peter Thuer Data Commissioner.

Google said it was disappointed by the move. The company says it is confident that Street View is legal in Switzerland and will "vigorously contest" the case.

Online view

Lord Thuer concerned for people who demonstrated in particular in sensitive places such as hospitals, prisons or schools.

He also stated that the height of the camera problems, as it allowed opinions could fences, hedges and walls, which means that more can be seen from street view by passerby than normal.

The commissioner said Google was asked in August to various measures and the application did not comply.

It is likely to take months before the actual trial will start, but it would be more direct impact on the Swiss service available.

Thuer Lord has asked the court to Google pictures of all of Switzerland and stop further removal until a decision is made.

Former Congressman La sentenced to 13 years of bribes being

A former Louisiana congressman hid a famously $ 90,000 in cash in a freezer was sentenced Fri 13 years in prison for taking bribes, the longest term ever imposed on a congressman on bribery charges.

Convicted William Jefferson, a Democrat who represented parts of New Orleans nearly 20 years, in August to take about $ 500,000 in bribes and sought millions more in exchange for using their influence to broker deal of business in Africa.The sentence, and serious, yet was much less than what was sought.Agents prosecutors investigating the case found $ 90,000 in foil folded and hidden in boxes of frozen feet in ice crusts.

Prosecutors asked a court to follow federal guidelines and sentenced him to at least 27 years, but the judge Friday that the sentencing guidelines provisions calculated on 22 years instead of 27. The defense requested less than 10 years, calling for more severe punishment would be much longer than those applicable to Congressmen convicted of similar offenses in recent years, none of them were sentenced to more than ten years.

Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., Was sentenced example, more than eight years in prison after plead guilty in 2005 to 2.4 million U.S. dollars in bribes from defense contractors to adopt. Was sentenced former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, to 2 1 / 2 years in prison for taking bribes from lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Former Rep. James traficants, D-Ohio, was a 7-year sentence after a trial in 2002 of bribery and extortion.

Prosecutor Mark Lytle that were coming out of Jefferson arrangements, I stood from the hundreds of millions of dollars in 11 separate bribery schemes.

"The action represented the most extensive and forleatach pattern of corruption in the history of Congress," Lytle said.Jefferson 's lawyer, Robert Trout, said his client has been approved, and the level of responsibility do, I believed that I was also active in the law. And he urged the court to consider Jefferson lifted themselves up from poverty on the first African-American to represent Louisiana in Congress from Re.

"He has led an extraordinary life," said Trout.

U. S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III that he was a Jefferson life history into account, but the public ought to deal with serious corruption.

The "Public corruption cancer on the body politic," said Ellis, who had complained that many congressmen convicted of other charges such. "Introduction of a virus that attacks the greed in power."

Jefferson that nothing in court after he was - Trout dhaoradh Jefferson said he advised not to talk because it is challenging a conviction in Jefferson appeals body.

If convicted, Jefferson showed no response to the verdict, nor a wife and five Daughters of the growth in attendance at the hearing.

Two of the giúróirí present at the hearing also convicted Jefferson, who fought back in Tears of the hearing which lasted three hours. Reduce its comment.

Jefferson was allowed to be free pending a hearing next week. Prosecutors want him to start his sentence immediately, but the defense Jefferson would be free and he appealed to convict.

Jefferson was also according to forfeit approximately $ 470,000 in bribe proceeds - the government expects the Jefferson retirement savings and other assets to be confiscated to enforce the ruling. Jefferson, in the meantime, the protection of bankruptcy and his wife are claiming rights to some of the assets.

Because he was sentenced to more than 10 years, he has a special exemption from the court approved his time in camp low-security prison to serve. Ellis agreed to recommend the waiver, but it is the Bureau of Prisons to decide when Jefferson served his time.

Jefferson convicted in August 11 counts, including bribery and extortion, and acquitted five others, including one of the closest connection with the money is frozen.

The investigation began in March 2005. In August of that year, FBI agents searched a home Washington and Jefferson received the money. Prosecutors said he intended to use the money to pay bribes to the then Vice-President of Nigeria to provide multi-one million dollar telecommunications deal Jefferson to reject accusation.

The money end up in frozen after unhappy businesswoman, Lori Mody, agreed to wear wire after telling the FBI she was cheated out of $ 3.5 million in deals brokered by Jefferson. The jury saw the videotape of Mody handing over a suitcase stuffed with $ 100,000 in cash outside of Arlington hotel. Were found most of the money in the freezer.

Defense argument that Jefferson was good with a private business consultant in brokering deals and bribery are not Deeds.

New Orleans voters were long faithful to Jefferson, Louisiana congressman in 1991 the first African American from Re. He rose from the poverty of the Delta Louisiana parishes known as street-savvy political tactician.

He was reelected in 2006 even after news of the bribery scandal beginning, but was indicted and subsequently lost to Republican lawyer Anh "Joseph" Cao last December.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another strong quarter for Apple; credit von strong Mac sales

Apple said Monday that Mac computers and the iPhone saw the strong over the years, sales jumped in the fourth quarter, allowing the company to beat Wall Street expectations again in the fourth quarter and sent the stock higher in after hours.

Apple today announced fourth quarter revenue of 1.67 billion U.S. dollars, or $ 1.82 per share, on sales of 9.87 billion U.S. dollars, up from 7.9 billion U.S. dollars in the quarter a year ago. Wall Street analysts were expecting earnings per share of $ $ 1.42 on revenue of $ 9.2 billion dollars. (Data, Techmeme)

For the fiscal year, the company recorded revenues of U.S. $ 5.7 billion, or $ 6.29 per share, on sales of 36.5 billion dollars to 32.5 billion U.S. dollars last year. In a statement, said Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer, Apple:

We are delighted with our partners in the September 2009 quarter financial results. For a full year, we grew revenue by 12 percent and net income by 18% in some cases very difficult.

Looking to the future, Oppenheimer said it expects revenue for Q1 2010 to between 11.3 billion U.S. dollars for up to $ 11.6 billion and earnings per share of $ 1.70 to $ 1.78.

The fourth quarter was a busy one for Apple. Steve Jobs made his first public appearance since undergoing a liver transplant during the sick leave of absence earlier this year. Aa job hosting this event in September in San Francisco, where he was an update for the iPod and iTunes on the Internet. During the quarter the company also plans to release Snow Leopard and the iPhone in China was provided by China Unicom said it reached a three-year contract for the sale of 3G and 3Gs in the country. It is also regulators in Washington to the current issues in voting for the application suites iPhone / iPod Touch.

Highlights of the quarter:

MAC sales: The company shipped 3.05 million Mac computers, up 17 percent from last year in the quarter-finals. In the report of the third quarter, IDC Gartner show market share gains for Apple in the United States to 9.4 percent per year, over the years to get nearly 12 per cent.

IPod: The company sold 10.2 million in the quarter iPods, a decline of eight percent from a year ago. Lord of the capital markets, analyst Mike Abramsky said in a note to investors that he sees iPods shrinking the market - in spite of adding video recording capabilities - it is replaced by an interest in the iPhone and other smart phones. Analysts expected sales of $ 9.9 million iPods.

IPod Touch: The company does not go iPod Touch sales, but said that sales were 100% and the company expects that the growth of a new $ 199 entry price point.

IPhone: The company sold 7.4 million phones in the quarter, and seven percent jump in more than a year. During the quarter, China Unicom announced a three-year contract to sell the iPhone in the most populous country in the world.

Companies: Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt to leave the Board of Directors of Apple's fears that competition between the companies (in particular, iPhone and Android smartphone against Macintosh, operating system chrome to come.)

Accounting: During a call with analysts and executives said that changes in accounting rules that are likely to benefit Apple, since it allows the proceeds of the iPhone and Apple must be recognized immediately, instead of 24 months. Adopted earlier this year, the companies have so far in the next year for adoption of new accounting processes. Apple said it believes that the new rules will allow a better reflection of the outcome - and analysts believe that number will increase revenue from Apple - but still looking for ways in which it will pass. It did not set a timetable for changover and prospects in the next quarter to reflect the deferred income method.

Apple shares were less than one percent in regular trading, closing at $ 189.86. The shares are up after hours, and more than eight percent.

GM's Chevy Volt to contact OnStar F Lab

General Motors on Monday and opened its doors to OnStar FBI lab here, and the Center for testing in - communication vehicle with the company hopes to make its Chevy Volt electric more high-tech appeal.

P. OnStar in the laboratory is located in downtown Detroit headquarters of General Motors, and is now used OnStar communications system for the collection of data from 19 vehicles, the Chevy Volt for engineering purposes. The same technology will give users the ability to use Internet services and the performance of specific tasks, to plug in electric cars, and executives and the company said. GM Volt when issued at the end of next year, users can be programmed to charge when the car was done for heating and cooling residential, "said Tony Posawatz, vehicle line director of the Chevy Volt. GM looking for more advanced features, as well as the responsiveness of demand when the car slows down freight during the peak hours in exchange for lower prices of public utilities."The car will need to speak to the electricity grid, and can be withdrawn very sensitive (the benefit) of data," said Posawatz. "Electric vehicles consumers want control of energy - they are very data. OnStar is a tool that allows us."

OnStar communications system and an intermediary with the tool, so users can charge out at peak hours, in the middle of the night, and eventually benefit from lower prices. "Smart charging, or the imposition of exit fees at peak hours, it is important to be managed so that the plug-in electric vehicles do not contribute at times of peak demand for electricity. In the near future, and the benefit of workers say the main concern is that many of the cars in one area and local will be imposed on some points of distribution.

Since rolling Volt will require coordination with the facilities, and General Motors Corp. plans to launch the Volt in some areas in the United States "certainly would not be a nation wide publicity of the" Posawatz said. As an integrated communications system that uses digital cellular network to OnStar is of great benefit to engineers volts because there is not much data available to the car battery of similar design, company executives said. Volt is in the long-range electric vehicles that can drive 40 miles on battery power and then uses the internal combustion engine designed to preserve the battery for longer vehicles.

There are 20 units on the Volt, which can feed information to the engineers F-GM OnStar laboratory, which allows them to obtain results and diagnostic information for individual cars. It also allows the GM to obtain data on the sub-battery, and the company is a strict test, since the completion of the car. For example, OnStar can monitor the battery charge, temperature, and the performance of liquid cooling system.

OnStar, which is a subsidiary of General Motors, and now 5.6 million subscribers who pay or $ 199 or $ 299 per year for services, such as roadside assistance, after opening part of the car, which dealt with people in call centers, and General Motors. Although the system is designed to examine the data for gasoline vehicles, GM said executives of the platform technology flexible enough to work with different engines.

General Motors plans to offer OnStar service in China next year. Also, General Motors plans to sell the Chevy Volt in China, Western Europe and Canada, executives said.

Jelli radio sources in the crowd opened in the United States, Australia

Radio station online is out of beta on Monday night and is expected to announce that it has signed a loan agreement with Triton Digital Media, which will be playing in the ground reality radio stations in the United States early next year.

Service revolves around the full operation of the songs that are managed by users in real time. Users can vote songs up or down before it even hits the air, and when he plays. If a sufficient number of people song downvote, while in the middle of the game, and this even before the completion of the operation, something that can be satisfied or very disappointing that listening.Up for about four months ago that the music is only present in the network when Jelli flows as 7 / 24 stations radio. This change in June when Jelli maintain the site after two hours Sunday night kits Live 105, San Francisco, a local radio station. The company says the operation of such a success is much easier to sell the idea to other stations. And it was sold.

Jelli deal with Triton will put users chose Jelli's radio station, twice a day for about 4500 stations in the U. S. This will not begin until early next year though. At the same time the company has struck a deal with Australian media broadcasting company Austereo Jelli to play as they appear daily, both Foreign Minister and digital radio begins next month in five cities of Australia.

One very important detail here is that all of these stations in all parts of the world will continue to run controlled by users Jelli as a whole. This means that it can not be a radical change in operating on the basis of who is awake and when they are from.

It is worth noting that users Jelli will be working off the same shop to do when they are compared with the flow when it is a real radio station. About 10 minutes before moving on Foreign Minister Jelli changes to the broadcast catalog of songs and friendly, which include things such as the reduction and / or control a copy of the blocks. It also cleans the board for users to start or downvoting tracks. As part of the beta, and there will be multiple stations so that consumers can continue to control the flow of the Internet version without having to worry about marketing the above passage. It also gives a small percentage of consumers have a better chance to control what is played.

Jelli, speaking of which continue to work to address fun to lead a group of users completely dominate the music experience. For example, each user has a limited number of missiles and bombs, "every day. Rocket jump your song, or someone in the head of the queue to give them a chance to play next. Yes, even those, and bombs (which were distributed slightly more moderate) were able to eliminate As a result of the course of the tail to zero, which may prevent them from making it in the air, if users do not vote again.

This is not the end of the game-like experience, though. In a conversation with CNET News on Monday, CEO and co-founder Jelli Mike Dougherty (former vice president of business TellMe Dave) told me that bombs and missiles are only the tip of the iceberg that game and other "UPS power and ways to win them coming soon, but could not explain what I do.

The company is also working on more ways to keep the working masses in the station and the recommendations of nutrition. For example, Jelli given to the person who originally proposed that the path successfully and it played a custom invitation right before the start of the game. Since the establishment of this service is not real DJs, this is all done with text-to-speech robot. Jelli will also be very active users give their own short signature sound that will be held before the beginning of the song of their choice.

A little further down the line, Dougherty hopes to participate, as well as personal computers, including a means for managing the waiting list, and song recommendations from mobile phones. There is also currently no way to buy any of the music that plays from Jelli site, which means that consumers must go off and do a search for each track on its own. This is also something that will change in the near future.

Jelli for a streaming service is certainly an enjoyable experience in radio control - Web and now the floor. You can listen to any streaming audio player with this link, or register Jelli to vote on the tail and get more information about what is playing - something that could be very useful if you are trying to get the name of this song that I love just bombed from the air.

False alarm: Google does not index protected Twitter [tweet]

J Los Angeles times and now, Mashable reported that the vulnerability in Twitter [tweet] a complete copy to be protected indexed by Google. In considering this issue, we have found shows that Google is not protected [tweet], and indexing of all [tweet] Assembly, and some accounts now protected.

At first glance, it appears that there is a gap in the protected Tweet Twitter security, and Prime Minister [tweet] example of this is supposedly written by Bill Clinton showed a search engine. However, [tweet], which is shown here belong to the "fake Bill Clinton back when I owned @ billclinton and user account is private property. One of [tweet], and that is indexed by the groups in the @ billclinton can be found, he emigrated to @ here.It notbillclinton account, it seems that all accounts of those Twitter users may have protected them since they opened, they are in danger to be indexed tweets.] As it turns out that if at some point, this is an overview, then [tweet] made the while still living in the Google index.

This incident is definitely afraid of the accounts to protect consumers who value their privacy highly on the site and put some confidence in the [tweet] Twitter for their own safety. Twitter has had some security in the past with a large number of corporate documents are out, and before that with many of the key figures in the accounts is simplified. Because "[tweet] protected risk" Failure is essentially without a problem, and it seems that Twitter is the Security Service under control at the moment. Privacy and trust are important issues for companies such as Twitter and this is the real issue, of course, will be a lot of consumers have felt betrayed.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Investors in the lap Apple '47% jump in profit

Wall Street knew Apple and results for the fourth quarter would impact on the company's previous guidance, but it seems that investors are not ready to jump 47 percent in profits that Apple delivered.

Shares from the sky at all-time high after-hours trading on Monday evening on the news that the Cupertino, Calif., company sold more Apple iPhone and Mac OS X ever.

Apple's financial report "reinforced my opinion that Apple at the hands of the best technology company in the world," said analyst with Broadpoint AMTECH Brian Marshall in an interview.

Apple introduced the iPhone in the fastest in June, and reduce the cost of the previous generation phone to $ 99. These moves boosted sales of iPhone from July to September to 7.4 million units, more than half a million during the same period in 2008, and despite the paucity of recent iPhone, which remains in place during the quarter.

Apple, who escaped relegation in a better position than other companies, and the computer, and it works when you start PC sales grew during the quarter. Apple also updated Mac OS, and the updated line of MacBook Pro. Mac Apple sold 3.1 million, an increase of 19% compared to the same period last year.

Since the iPhone from Apple, which has a built-in functions of iPod grew in popularity, and business regular Apple iPod music player has undergone. The company sold 10.2 million in the quarter, iPods, and 8 percent less than last year, despite the fact that Apple introduced the new iPod nano with video in September.

However, even with the decline in the number of iPods, iPod revenue rose in the quarter. This means that people are trading up, "said Marshall - buy to replace the Shuffle Nano Nano or iPod Touch to replace. Income iPod Touch, which is like the iPhone without the phone twice a year since," said chief financial officer, Peter Oppenheimer, Apple.

Apple is rumored to be working on the Tablet PC mode, which is a combination between your computer and mobile phone and running, but the company known for products of secrecy around the new. In a telephone news conference, Apple grainy footage showing off company "proposals" is amazing in the future, and something fell on one sweet new indicator it is time for holiday shopping.

Apple typically spend more on air freight in the current quarter to make sure stores equipped with iPods and other gadgets for the Christmas holiday break, but this year the increase was more than usual.

"Sorry, can not be specific to the product, but this is it, this represents an extraordinary increase in a row," chief operating officer for Apple, Tim Cook, said in response to a question from an analyst.

Apple said it earned $ 1.7 billion, or $ 1.82 per share in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year that ended Sept. 26. Revenue jumped 25 percent to 9.9 billion U.S. dollars.

For all of fiscal 2009, Apple said its profit rose 18 percent to $ 5.7 billion, or $ 5.36 per share. Revenue rose 13 percent to 36.5 billion U.S. dollars.

In the current quarter, Apple said it expects to earn $ 1.70 to $ 1.78 per share, well below the $ 1.91 analysts predicted that the company usually gives a very conservative guidance. Apple forecast revenue of 11.3 billion U.S. dollars for up to $ 11.6 billion, while analysts are looking for $ 11.4 billion, according to a Thomson Reuters.

Wall Street ignored the profit participation and sent to the company's shares at $ 12.54, or 6,6 percent to $ 202.40 in extended trading. At one point after-hours trading in the shares exceeded $ 203. Adjusted for splits, Apple's highest price of $ 202.96, arrived December 27, 2007.

Investors also expect further growth of the iPhone. Apple is scheduled to officially begin selling iPhone in China in October 30 and has plans to launch in South Korea during the quarter as well.

But Apple can hit the places in these countries during the first few months. The company is struggling to provide enough iPhone 3Gs for the latest store shelves all over the world this summer. Cook said that most of the shortage is easing, but added that he wants more phone ready to launch China.

Com vaccination clinics

If you need to shoot the flu, and there are many free clinics you can go to get one. On Thursday, October 29th, has people in northwest Arkansas to a walk-in clinic at the Jones Center in Springdale from 8:00 pm - 7:00 pm There will also be a campaign appearance in the clinic in the field of Fayetteville, Drake 8: 00 - 5:30 pm
In the valley of the river, and you can get a flu shot fonts Kay Rogers Park 9:00 to 6:00

The latest "ESET procedure" reduces the risk of multiple pregnancy

Bleignier Patricia Baker has some pretty fixed ideas about the existence and child-rearing.

Breast is best, education at home is probably the way it will go, and it is not surprising, especially in New Jersey, who was born more of cattle people, to their neighbors in Maryland in rural areas, 5 or 6 miles from Harper's Ferry, W . Virginia

So when Bleignier Baker, 30 years old, I learned that the best option is that the child in vitro fertilization, she knew she wanted to go as natural as possible. For her, it means one child at a time.

"I was going stubborn in the laboratory, I do not want multiples," Bleignier Baker says. "This is a danger to the mother and child."

She delivered her daughter, Dylan, one month before the Birthing Center and her husband, Keith, and daughter, Grasyn, 3, appeared, and returned home several hours later. Baker designed Bleignier Grasyn after a new baby was transferred to the uterus, and the rest were frozen. After three years and one of these embryos are dissolved, were transferred and developed Dylan. Bleignier Baker says she and her husband still has "two" of frozen embryos, and I hope to add to their families in one day.

Of course, Bleignier order multiple pregnancy Baker is in stark contrast to Nadia octuplets Solomon who delivered January 26 galvanized Americans, many of which did not give much thought to the risk of multiple pregnancy, such as prematurity and low birth weight, which can cause health problems at birth, and disability for life.

Photos from Fever, accompanied by eight others fragile Solomon, was born nine weeks early in weights as low as 1 and a half pounds, and looks familiar curious onlookers. In infants, of whom Solomon says came from six embryos, two of which split into twins, and sparked debate about whether the United States follow the lead of Belgium and Sweden, and the laws that limit the number of embryos that doctors can be transferred at a time.

In the laboratory: "October / doctor and my mother is not alone, and many fertility clinics to break the rules
Better Life: an examination of fetuses fuel debate
On the Internet: U.K. Not-for-profit "and one by one," provides more information

Already lawmakers in both states introduced laws to curb transfers of embryos. Missouri would require doctors to follow the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, or ASRM, and guidelines, while Georgia will not go further, restricting women under 40 to two embryos, and those over the age of 40 and three.

Multiple pregnancy on low

Enrichment in the laboratory or in the laboratory, and how it is approximately 1 percent of babies are born in the United States, "says ASRM, infertility major occupational group. In the laboratory, the eggs are removed from the ovaries and mixed with sperm in a petri dish. After several days, resulting in the transfer of the embryo in the uterus or frozen.

For the ASRM, issued guidelines for embryo transfer in first in 1999, the proportion of multiple births continued to rise. Doctors are keen to ensure the success of their patients and encourage them to exercise of the pregnancy rates were excessive embryo transfer. Over the past decade, however, the amount of triple and higher births fell for.

In the ASRM guidelines are based primarily on the patient's age and the quality of the embryo. When women age, and is usually more difficult to conceive their own eggs, so that the number recommended by the increase in transfers from one or two embryos in patients under the age of 35 years, five women and the elderly 40.

According to data in 2007, published online last week by the Society for assisted reproductive technologies, and Michael Kamrava, who said his name as Solomon fertility doctor on the transfer of an average of 4.1 embryos of patients under the age of 35 years - two to four times that, as recommended by the ASRM.

Increasingly, in the laboratory the patients in this age group who are concerned about multiple pregnancy, as Bleignier Baker focused on a relatively new approach: one elective embryo transfer or ESET.

"Five years ago, 10 years, Jenin would not be appropriate at all," said Robert Stilman, medical director of Shady Grove Fertility Center, and medical clinics in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC, and this because of the possibility of pregnancy with one embryo is slim.

Reduce the risk of multiple

But thanks to improvements in the cultivation of embryos in the laboratory, and many of the younger patients, doctors can provide an excellent opportunity to visualize and with only one fetus. In the journal Fertility and Sterility in November last year, said that patients ESET Stilman are essentially the same pregnancy rate - 65 per cent - for those who are the transfer of two embryos, but only 1% of patients, ESET twins, compared to 44% of the women who 'd received two embryos.

Karen Cohen is well aware of the risk of complications. Cohen loves his 17 - triplets in the month, by intrauterine insemination, but do not want to go through this again. Therefore, despite the fact that Cohen had conceived in the laboratory, no, she and her husband chose ESET virtually eliminated their ability to obtain more than one child at a time to come.

"It was a very difficult pregnancy," Cohen (33 years), Silver Spring, MD, reminiscent of his first term. I went to work early, 17 weeks and spent 3 and a half months of bed rest before the delivery of triplets at 33 weeks. Although "doing great now," she says, "and encountered some problems in the beginning."

However, the United States fertility patients and their doctors face incentives to move more than the recommended number of embryos. Many patients lack insurance in the laboratory, which costs on average $ 12,500 a session, so they see twins or triplets two or three for the price of one. In most clinics do not, and the transfer of one embryo is likely to lead to the transfer of pregnancy because it is several.

Fertility and infertility in her article, Stilman that patients who suffer from insurance coverage or those in the middle of "risk sharing" program was more likely that the choice of ESET. (Couples in the joint program of the risk of paying a flat $ 20,000 for up to six sessions in the laboratory, and if they do not end up with a baby they will get their money.)

Subscription to the problem

"When we get to the point where covered by insurance, you have a very difficult position," said Barbara Collura, Executive Director of this resolution, a national group of infertility. "You are not desperate."

Limit the transfer of embryos without dealing first with the issue of security will create more shocks and more problems, "said Collura." Let's look at this group the first question. If someone is willing to pay for it, then they are entitled to include the features that. "

In the state of Connecticut, and health plans that include maternity care must be paid for in the lab, but can reduce the number of embryos transferred to two, "said Sean Tipton, spokesman for the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

In the Netherlands, and there is no strict laws on the number of embryos transferred and said Arno van Peperstraten, a medical Obstetrics / Gynecology at Radboud University Nijmegen, in the e-mail. "However, the government said that over more than two embryos should not be paid to us national health insurance."

Fertility Dutch doctors support the transfer of only one or two embryos, the Peperstraten says, and they are following the case of the United States and octuplets "suspicion."

Solution urges women to consider their health and their child when they discuss the transfer of embryos more than recommended by the ASRM, Collura said.

But, she acknowledges, "it is difficult to reach all of them so that they act in a rational way when they are perhaps the biggest crisis in his life."

Shady Grove Fertility Stilman says every doctor is a laminated paper shows the risk of complications. They review the risks in several places, and begin negotiations with the candidates east all the way to the transfer of embryos.

While the Shady Grove Fertility physicians, ESET support, this is not always the case in other places, "said Stilman. "Most doctors recognize:" Yes, twins complex, but did not accomplish much of the complications that deserves the grounds with my patient, "he said.

One problem is that it is noted that doctors in fertility care provided to patients only when they are pregnant. "We are isolated by reproductive endocrine glands, and we stick on the one hand, and we do not deal with the consequences."

Review of triplets or higher multiples as the failure of the system and focus on a small number of embryo transfer success rates in the calculation of fertility rates may change attitudes of doctors, "said Lawrence Grunfeld professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

"In the laboratory, not a way to create triplets," said Grunfeld. "In the laboratory, is a way to avoid triplets."

Beyonce Malaysia protests among postpone concert

Beyonce's decision to postpone the concert in Malaysia after the Islamic opposition party in the country expressed concern about its performance, citing moral issues, said organizers of the concerts.

I often get asked the external acts of protests by the All-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) youth wing of Beyonce who was forced to cancel his concert in 2007 in the mainly Muslim country of 27 million people.

Marctensia Malaysian entertainment company said in a statement posted on its Web site that Beyonce "I am ..." The concert will be held in October 25 as part of their tour of the world can be postponed to a later date to be announced.

"The postponement is only (c) The decision of the artist and has nothing to do with other external causes", and concert organizers said in a statement.

There was also a particular reason. Marctensia that a new date for this event will be announced as "small," said a statement issued by the Department of Beyonce will be released later this week.

The youth wing of the performance appraisal system sought last year to block Canadian singer Avril Lavigne from performing in Malaysia.

Earlier this month, initially banned Muslim in Malaysia to attend a concert by the U.S. hip-hop group Black Eyed Peas, sponsored by Guinness, one of the top brands owned by the spiritual group in the world, Diageo.

This was reflected in the ban, but a senior official said it was up to each individual "best" decision whether to attend the event.

Image Malaysia as a moderate Muslim country where women are caught drinking beer was recently sentenced to Canedo.

"Google went" global campaign will

Google claims more than 2 million companies and 20 million people have migrated to Google Apps, a move the company promoted through the expansion of "Gone with the groups of" marketing program.

Google's official blog on Monday, placed in the components of an ongoing stream of companies that have adopted its services, including not only to Google Apps, but also the Postini spam filtering and group projects research tools.

In August, he asked the customer groups to tweet the benefits of using applications and Internet services, and now the company has collected in this [tweet] GoogleAtWork site Twitter.

Through the movie "Gone with the Google" marketing campaign, the company was able to connect to stories of corporate customers who have converted to groups and applications do not have to deal with problems in the management of e-mail servers or rolling out software updates. "

In the movie "Gone with the Google" The campaign also included advertising in high traffic locations, such as airports and stations. Satisfied with the results, Google said it extended the campaign to other countries, including Britain, France, Canada, Japan, Australia and Singapore.

Carrying a bag containing documents, Google, Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Apps has been adopted by large companies need more programs that cost less and easier to maintain. Conversion to include user groups with 20,000 applications, Motorola, Genentech with 16,300 users, and Valio with 30,000 users.

Google has also been more creative in the companies pay for their services. As an example, the company's applications to synchronize Outlook Plug and allows users to forecast, but the move from Microsoft Exchange.

Even Google ad in response to the situation. In the past, the company has generally avoided strengthen its own, greater reliance on word of mouth to grow search and advertising business. But in recent times become less shy to enter the advertising market, and using television, billboards and other areas is unique to promote the applications of Google and Chrome browser.

Microsoft Windows 7 at all: deals, deals, deals

With Windows 7, Microsoft will be back to basics.

This is true for the product that is great for daily work, as each new feature. It is also how Microsoft plans to launch the new operating system on Thursday.

Instead of going for flash, and the company is focused on ensuring that all partners are ready to sell many computers and other versions of Windows 7."We live in a different world today, and said," Microsoft vice president Tami Reller, said in an interview with CNET News.

Microsoft hopes to reach a contrast with the launch of Vista, which was characterized by an ambitious marketing (remember the "Wow starts now"?), But the product was not fully baked, and no other software and hardware makers are ready for major changes that come with Windows Vista.

Windows 7, at the same time, offered only minor changes in the core of Windows Vista, and aims to be faster and easier to navigate than its predecessor.

Reller said that the purpose of marketing of Windows 7 to launch the product speaks for itself. Early and included ads Kylie - convenient to the child in early - read some positive reviews for this product.

"We will remain true to this day, October 22 and will remain faithful to the stage after 22 October, which only results in something like less acrobatic and more customers," said Reller, adding that there will be more than just Kylie.

Among the promotions of experience with Microsoft Windows Vista has been detected for the rights panel, which left the public - literally - on a freezing New York smart.

Microsoft said that this time is the introduction of almost all its energy needs for the product to the largest number of people. As is the case with past Windows launches, there will be many special promotions and accompanied by the release of Windows 7. Customers, and said: "I expect great deals, great."

"This is the place to have a lot of effort and coordination to ensure that customers always have more than one large, great value, starting on October 22 and continue."

Of course, Microsoft is planning a huge advertising campaign to promote the product. The release of Windows 7 is critical for Microsoft, which gets a large part of total sales and profits of Windows.

Although some manufacturers of computers have already begun to make Windows 7-based models, Reller promised to other machines after it announced.

"You will see more than a few computers with security in all categories, whether they are gaming machines, whether new laptops, some of the new notebook," said Reller. "You will see more than that."

Some stores will also open in the middle of the night, Reller said, without providing details. Microsoft opens its first store - in Scottsdale, Arizona .-- to coincide with the start, in spite of this store will be opened at 10 am on Thursday morning. The sources said to expect a celebrity or two, as well as some extras for those beautiful happens to be the first to leave the store with a copy of Windows 7.

Microsoft opens a window of a cafe "in Paris, despite the fact that this site will be sold Latt of laptops.

With regard to formalities, Microsoft plans to launch events around the world with Windows Steven Sinofsky, head of Japan, and kicking things, followed by Julie Larson Green's happened in Britain, and finally (due to time zones), Steve Palmer, President of this major event in New York.

Microsoft also will ring the opening bell at the Nasdaq on Thursday, Microsoft will join with partners, computer maker at the end of the trading day.

It is not clear whether Microsoft will make the emergence of a return to television in the late night. With the launch of Vista, Bill Gates of knowing the stage daily, modern technology with John Stewart.

"I will certainly see a lot of coverage to us that day, but not committed in the right place," said Reller.

There will be more of the interview I had with Reller in the post on Tuesday morning, including his thoughts on Apple, now that - the infamous Windows 7 house parties.

Obama administration will respect the rights of medical marijuana

Patients smoking marijuana or punish providers should not be a target for prosecution in the U.S. states that allow medical use of drugs, prosecutors said Monday in a new policy brief issued by the Ministry of Justice.

In the policy framework set out in the three-page legal notice, said federal prosecutors are not good use of their time in the arrest of persons who use or provide medical marijuana in strict accordance with state law.

Instructions were issued from the office, however, it is clear that federal agents will go to people who, after the distribution of marijuana beyond what is permitted under federal law or the use of medical marijuana as a cover for other prosecutors crimes.The notice advises that it "should not be the focus of federal funds to individuals in countries that take action is clear and unambiguous, and compliance with existing laws that provide for the state in the medical use of marijuana. "

This new policy is a significant departure from the Bush administration, which insists on the continued application of federal laws against race, regardless of the laws.

"It will be a priority for the use of federal resources to prosecute patients who suffer from a severe illness or caregivers who are in compliance with the laws of the state medical marijuana, but we will not tolerate drug dealers to hide behind claims of compliance with the rule of law to hide their activities, which are clearly illegal , "said Attorney General Eric is used in a statement.

Fourteen states allow some use of marijuana for medical purposes, including stands for California.California presence of a large-scale clinics - the companies that sell marijuana and even advertise their services. Colorado also has a number of clinics, Rhode Island and New Mexico in the process of granting licenses to service providers, according to the Marijuana Policy Project, a group that promotes the criminalization of marijuana use.

Holder, said in March that he wants a federal law enforcement officials to prosecute those who violate federal laws and state law, but it is not clear how to achieve this objective will be implemented in practice.

Policy Note spelling sent Monday to the Federal Public Prosecutor in 14 countries, but also to the Supreme Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Memorandum prepared by Deputy Attorney General David Ogden stressed that prosecutors have broad discretion in selecting the cases to be followed, says that this is not a good use of manpower from the Federal Public Prosecution for those who are no doubt under the rule of law.

"This is a big step forward," said Bruce Mirken, director of communications for the Marijuana Policy Project. "This change in policy of the Federal Government through a radical with respect to scientific fact.

At the same time, officials said that the government would continue to pursue those who use medical marijuana as a cover for other illegal activities.

In particular, calls for the notification of cases, marijuana and continued prosecution, including violence, unlawful use of weapons, selling drugs to minors, money laundering, or engage in other crimes.

Federal discovery of $ 14 million scam targeting haityanite

Three people accused of fraud deceived, which manages more than 14 million U.S. dollars from hundreds of investors of the United States in Haiti in South Florida and New Jersey.

In the complaint filed on Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission, "said Ronnie Eugene Bass Jr., Abner ALABRAS Brian Taglieri and promised more money to double its customers every 90 days by the club HomePals investment.

"The promises extraordinary by these three men spread by word of mouth throughout the closed society," said Glenn Gordon, associate director of the Miami Regional Office for the Supreme Education Council '. "Mr. Bass is a trader of options on stocks and commodities, while in fact he is the master of deception."

Bass (35 years), from Miami, and an investment of no more than 1.2 million U.S. dollars to reach $ 14.3 million was collected from investors, and trading losses incurred by 20 percent, according to authorities.

Bass, and the loss of Taglieri also face criminal charges of securities fraud and conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering, according to the indictment by a grand jury. Each party to 20 years in prison if convicted.

From April 2008 to December 2008, and became men of their investments to potential customers in their offices, Delray Beach, Florida and maintains a Web site,, authorities said.

The company phone number is disconnected, but their website is still alive on Saturday, complete with certificates such as "I have never met a company that works with the safety of this kind. HomePals Investment Club does what it says it will do."

HomePals raised most of their money through more than 64 clubs in Haiti from U.S. investments, and she offered to potential investors by the Commission for the formation of new clubs, according to the SEC.

Most of the money went to pay the claims of investors in earlier. Men nearly $ 668,000 for personal use, including $ 380,000 for a house for amplification and losses.

By the end of December, HomePals is only $ 7300 left, and stopped making payments to investors, according to the complaint, the Supreme Council of Education. Pass investors sent a letter of December / December 26, 2008, stating that "due to heavy losses," HomePals will not be able to make payments until March 6. The company closed its offices on 7 March.

But, 33, Miramar, has offered to investors in the post of Minister of the company and Taglieri, 49, Jupiter is represented by HomePals counsel, "he said.

Bass and losses were arrested on Saturday, with the charge and bond hearings to be held on Wednesday. Bass' lawyer declined comment. But prosecutors also declined comment, saying he was unable to meet with his court-appointed clients.

Taglieri said the SEC agreed to settle the charges against him, without admitting or denying the allegations of alcohol.

It is not clear whether Taglieri represented by counsel. Phone numbers listed to be off.

In December, the Supreme Council for Education Palm Beach man accused of conning more than 23 million U.S. dollars from Haiti of thousands of Americans on the national level. Theodule George Haiti used his background to recruit investors and promised to create a nation "in Haiti millions," according to a lawyer representing some of the victims of the system.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Italian scientists play the shroud of Turin

Italian scientist says he has not shown in the shroud of Turin, a feat that says proves conclusively that the linen and some Italian scientists that reproduces the shroud of Turin, a feat that says unequivocally prove that the clothes in high esteem as the payment of some Christians, Jesus Christ, the funeral was a forgery of the Middle Ages .

In linen, measuring 14 feet, 4 inches by 3 feet and 7 inches bearing the image, as opposed to scary, such as the negative portrayal of a man and say some of the believers is Christ crucified.

"We've shown that you can extract has the same characteristics of the shroud," Luigi Garlaschelli, which is scheduled to explain the results of the conference was almost normal in northern Italy at the end of this week, on Monday.Said the professor of organic chemistry at the University of Pavia, Garlaschelli available to Reuters he would deliver the paper and photos accompanying relative.

In a shroud of Turin shows the back and front of a bearded man with long hair, his arms on his chest until the entire fabric is characterized by what appears to be rivers of blood from injuries to his wrists, feet and side.

Radiocarbon dating laboratory in Oxford, Zurich and Tucson, Arizona in 1988 caused a sensation, and dated between 1260 and 1390. Skeptical that fabrication, and perhaps made to attract the lucrative business of Hajj in the Middle Ages.

But the researchers so far have been at a loss to explain how the image is not left in the towel.

Garlaschelli reproduced full-size diaper using materials and techniques that are available in the Middle Ages.

It's the joy of linen and paper flat more than volunteers, and then rubbed with pigment containing traces of acid. And uses the mask to face.

Sabbagh, and blood stains scathing

Dyer then aged artificially by heating the fabric in an oven and the washing process, which is removed from the surface, but has left the occult, and a half tons of photos, like a shroud. He believed that shroud the original natural pigment faded over the centuries.

Then add the blood stains, burn holes and water stains baked to achieve the ultimate goal.

The Catholic Church does not claim in the original or shroud it is a matter of faith, but says it should be a stark reminder of the Passion of Christ.

One of the effects of the most controversial of the Christian to be closed at the Cathedral of Turin in Italy and rarely offered. This is the last offer in 2000 and will be presented again next year.

Garlaschelli expect people to challenge the results.

"If they do not want to believe that carbon dating done by some of the best laboratories in the world, it certainly would not believe me," he said.

The accuracy of the tests in 1988 and challenged by some of the hard core believers, said that the amounts outstanding coffin in the last centuries results were contaminated.

Date shroud long and contradictory.

After floating on the surface in the Middle East and France, and brought by the former royal family in Italy, cabbage, and place in Turin in 1578. In 1983, the former king, Umberto II bequeath to the late Pope John Paul II.

In a shroud closely escaped destruction in 1997 when fire swept through the Guarini Chapel of the Cathedral of Turin, where it is holding. Cloth was saved by the life of a firefighter who revere venture si.Christians as Jesus Christ was buried in a piece of cloth and fake in the Middle Ages.

Shroud, measuring 14 feet, 4 inches by 3 feet and 7 inches holds a picture, scary reverse negative, such as photographs, a man of the heart of some believers say is the Christ.

"We have shown that it is possible to extract something that has the same characteristics of the shroud," Luigi Garlaschelli, which is scheduled to illustrate the results at a conference on near-normal at the end of this week in northern Italy today / Mon /.

, Said the professor of organic chemistry at the University of Pavia, Garlaschelli available to Reuters that the paper he will deliver the images and the accompanying relative.

The Shroud of Turin shows the back and front of a bearded man with long hair, his arms on his chest, while the entire cloth is characterized by what appears to rivulets of blood from the wounds in the wrists, feet and side.

Radiocarbon tests conducted by laboratories in Oxford, Zurich and Tucson, Arizona in 1988 caused a sensation before returning from the 1260 and 1390. The skeptics said it was a hoax, and perhaps made to attract the lucrative pilgrimage trade in the Middle Ages.

But scientists so far at a loss to explain how the image was left on the cloth.

Garlaschelli cloned the full-size art, using materials and technologies that were available in the Middle Ages.

And put paper over the linen department volunteers and then rubbed it with pigment contain traces of acid. And was used as a mask for the face.

Sabbagh, bloodstains and Scorches

Pigment was then artificially aged by heating in an oven and cloth washing, a process to remove from the surface, but left vague, half-tone image similar to that in a shroud. He believed that the pigment on the original shroud naturally faded over the centuries.

Then he added, they blood stains, burn holes, and stains Scorches water to achieve the final effect.

The Catholic Church does not claim that the shroud is authentic, or it is a matter of faith, but says it should be a powerful reminder of Christ's Passion.

One of the most important Christian relics disputed, it is locked away in the Cathedral of Turin in Italy and rarely offered. The last day in 2000 and the offer is scheduled to appear again next year.

Garlaschelli expect people to challenge the results.

"If they do not want to believe that carbon dating done by some of the best laboratories in the world and they certainly would not believe me," he said.

The accuracy of the tests in 1988 was challenged by some fanatical believers who said the restoration of the veil in the past centuries were contaminated with the results.

Join the coffin a long and controversial.

After floating on the surface in the Middle East and France, and brought from Italy by the former royal family, cabbage, to their seats in Turin in 1578. In 1983, the former King Umberto II bequeathed to the late Pope John Paul II.

The shroud has not been destroyed in 1997 when fire swept through the Guarini Chapel of the Cathedral of Turin, where is held. The cloth was saved by a fireman who risked his life.

A woman Letterman "suffering" from a sex scandal

Comedian David Letterman on Monday that his wife was "pained" by the disclosure about sexual matters is set forth in the extortion plot against him and apologized to the staff in an interview with a popular late night show.

Host of "Late Show with David Letterman," he said in his division of the exhibition on Monday he would try to correct things with Regina, whom he married in March after dating for more than 20 years. Each 5-year-old son, Harry.

"He is suffering from the behavioral, but when there is something going to happen if they hurt your face and your responsibility to try to fix it," Letterman told the audience, said a statement issued by his company, and trousers of the world.

"At this moment there are only two things can happen: either you're going in the right track and repair, or begin to decline and may not fix it, so let me tell you friends, I got to work on me."

He said he "regrets that the staff put in this position. Neglect, but I thought of before ... thanks again for services that fire something stupid and I found myself involved in it.

On Thursday, Letterman told the audience that he was the victim of a plot to blackmail a man who threatened to write a screenplay or a book about "all the terrible things" not Letterman. Apostle admitted until then, sexual affairs with women in the program.

One day later, Robert "Joe" Halderman, a producer for the CBS News program "48 hours" and accused on charges of grand larceny, to search for the $ 2 million dollars in bribes from Letterman. Halderman persons to 15 years in prison if convicted.

On Monday, a lawyer Gerald Shargel Halderman regard, the morning talk shows, the United States to declare his client's innocence, saying that Letterman a copy of the story is not only one side.

"David Letterman, and said he did not give them (Halderman's) side of the story, and made David Letterman what the public wants to know", Shargel said: "NBC Today" show.

"I wanted to come out of this story, and this is exactly what he did", Shargel said to Letterman.

Shargel said that it is unlikely that Halderman had tried to blackmail Letterman to take $ 2 million dollars of choice, because this is not the way, extortionists operate normally.

Has refused to give details about it may be an agent of the defense, but added that the veteran journalist reporting on crime stories over the years. 'He knows everything about the police and eavesdrop on telephone calls, and refers to the fact that I was trapped in a plot to blackmail ridiculous, "said the lawyer.

Shargel said he expected to question the witness stand Letterman.

The court documents show, Halderman for his former wife owe $ 6800 per month for child support, marriage, and authorities said he was deeply in debt.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Showing bra that is designed to be downloaded

This week, the annals of improbable research hosted the 19th annual ceremony the first Nobel Prize ceremony. As CNET News' Elinor Mills wrote this year was nothing less than the previous 18 years, with delicious discoveries such as requests for panda Po and notes the life of the cracks in the ankle.With the exception of one award: thoracic gas mask, which, while funny and ridiculous at face value is much less than that, is the neck.

Elena Bodnar, who lives in Chicago, and got the start as a scientist in the Ukraine when he was witness to the devastating effects of the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster in 1986. Noted, among other things that women wear lacy bras have been, but certainly not to save lives.

At the opening ceremony, to demonstrate his invention Bodnar, who could rope, she said people from breathing in iodine - 131 in the beginning of Chernobyl. They kindly gave bras and pink (all can be converted to two gas masks) with the current Nobel Prize (yes, even people who now have the opportunity to enjoy the chest without shame - not to mention any real impact is likely - the secret in their homes) .

Bra patent abstract, which includes an attempt to make the situation "a single word, so that it can be boring and summaries of the patent:

Strap-on clothing, consisting of: multiple branches of the cup for the separation, divided from each glass: (a) the liquidation of the device, (b) the first part positionable adjacent to the central part of the first thoracic to the user, (c) positionable in the second part of the two-yard close to the chest user and one near the armpit, and (d) the device valve.

And all the women out there who are afraid to whether the size of a cup is too big or small, to become the gas masks effective: size, according to Bodnar, never mind.

Pirate Bay site suffers outage backup

The Pirate Bay has declined in all parts of the United States for at least three hours on Friday, break that comes as a supplier of traffic to another site under pressure from entertainment companies.

CNET noted that the site went down at 1:22 pm Pacific Daylight Time, but seems to be back at 4:50 pm PDT. Cause of blackouts is clear. Kolmisoppi Peter Sunde, one of the pirates in the Gulf of the founders did not respond to requests for an interview. The Pirate Bay, a BitTorrent search engine beloved by file sharers, but sharply criticized by many of the owners of copyright, have encountered difficulty in the past few months, with Internet service providers. The latest example came Thursday night when the Ukrainian Internet service providers to stop service on the site after receiving legal threats from copyright owners, according to the TorrentFreak blog.

And action by pirates in the Gulf on Friday morning, so ENIGMAX TorrentFreak speculated supplier of replacement engine may be ready to go. There may be technical issues involved in the transition process.

The Pirate Bay was forced to look for a new resource after a court of Sweden, at the request of business groups that represent the music and film industries, threatened the former pirates in the Gulf of service provider in the system if you do not stop the service of the site.

Earlier Friday, Google stops indexing the Pirate Bay, but later admitted it was booted from the search site for results by mistake.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Homeland Security says laptop border searches will continue

When the United States Department of Homeland Security announced last summer that anyone can be the laptop, mobile phone, camera or recording to analyze them at the border for a period unknown, criticism was immediate. SEN. Norman Feingold, a Democrat, to move "warning", and it denounced Ayatollah Sistani as a "Fourth Amendment to surrender their rights at the border".

Does this not help that the United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal had already blessed operation - meaning that anyone, even American citizens, can muddle your toys in the possession of international arrivals to the borders or Even if 's zero evidence of illegal activities there. (Not for anyone happens in practice, of course, but despite this the Ministry of news about homeland security right.)

On Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced new guidelines for arrest and search electronic devices at the border. In the press release, the Department of homeland security claimed that they "increase the monitoring and clarify searches of computers and other electronic media in the United States port of entry".

Rhetoric aside, in fact, little has changed. Laptops and electronic gear can still be held unlimited confiscation, 's need to be the owners of them even returned there six months passed, although pass the necessary supervision if they held over 15 days. Complete contents of a hard drive or memory card is for you to study the evidence of lawbreaking of any kind, even if it underpaying or not pay their parking tickets.

This open ended type of scan should anyone traveling internationally, not just privacy advocates have worried. When we need rules, without stealing the mail, that enough of sharing MP3 files to a federal crime, many college students, many unindicted felony? This file under suspicious - men - and - I'll show you - - unit is a crime.

Harvey Silverglate, criminal defense attorney in Boston and founder of Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is the next book, at this stage in three days to treason. "When the law is so broad that attract very normal activities very difficult," I said in an interview Silverglate: This week for

Here Summary of homeland security directive, U. S. Customs and Border Protection: "Officer May electronic devices or copy the information in the detention, for short, reasonable time to perform a detailed search boundary. Ydlaymkhyrat held in May in the search site and is outside the site, and as that may be completed expeditiously. "

After the examination is complete and you know is not criminals, the security of privacy impact assessment "c. When you examine the phone and electronic device (s) is full contact, are sent to you that may make you select - the name (s) during regular business hours where the item (s) was arrested. If it is impossible for you to pick the device, you can c the machine settings We ship you the cost to create ". (Who's responsible if the transport damaged guess everyone is.)

Homeland security said: Thursday that about 1.000 of laptop searches Ydlaymkhyrat 1 October 2008 through 11 August 2009 Ydlaymkhyrat was performed. One way to protect yourself from these searches, the use of encryption like PGP whole disk and make sure that the partner of your laptop completely down that crossing the border.

It is true that under the Obama administration, Homeland Security is trying to add elements to prevent copies of your digital photos or other private files to their personal collections, and has warned that trade secrets, journalists Notes and medical records should be handled carefully. Improve the situation over the Bush administration policy is.

But the government may be better than a simple: require evidence of wrongdoing - at least some suspicion of illegal activities - before the players through the computer and assorted other toys stir. This is what the bill by Senator last year, has been introduced. Feingold have carried. Issue a Wisconsin Democrat wanted to address still exists, let us hope their willingness to solve it as well.

All's quiet at Burning Man--for now

All's quiet at Burning Man--for nowBlack Rock City Nevada - This Thursday night, three days before the official opening of the gate for Burning Man, but many p eople who came here in the installation and arts festival quick ly developed.

Today, Black Rock desert, a strange silence. It's strange, because if you ever had a Burning Man, you're used to noise at night is full of all kinds - music, explosions, screams, laughter, etc. - in each direction. But because only people here now helping to build things - art projects, theme camps, public infrastructure - just exhausted people.

But this clearly stands as soon as possible to ride a bike, what wa s up, and two of the most visible indicator of a man - in the midd le this year the festival is built on top of the forest, wood sculptu

res and wood - and the Raygun Gothic Rocket 1940-era spacecraft that decorate the Beach (desert), where stylized presence.

Since then, only grows louder and more outrageous. But today, amid great emptiness Burning Man is only partially assembled, is located in the quiet beauty of a little display on the happy couple, which can be viewed here.