Monday, November 16, 2009

The cartography of Crowdsourcing with PublicEarth and OpenStreetMap

PublicEarth is an open database of places. Michael Rubin, who was an architect of Netflix, wanted to bring the same "element of delight" of connecting people to things they enjoy. Netflix did it for movies, and Public Earth is doing it for locations.
in print and online, as it's hard to make a revenue model work that involves paying people to create content when there are hordes of enthusiastic experts around the world willing to do the job for free. The business of mapping may be similarly doomed, as indicated by PublicEarth, a new wiki-style database of places launching Monday, and by the continued improvement in authoring tools at the crowdsourced mapping service OpenStreetMap.

And as with most of the other products, PublicEarth uses Google base maps. The difference in PublicEarth is in the execution: It's slick, in a good way. For map users, PublicEarth lets you quickly find categories of locations -- romantic, kid-friendly, historic, for campers, etc. -- for places you are going.

The real value to PublicEarth is that it can find places that aren't, as they say, on the map. It's very easy for users to create a point of interest, draw a boundary line around a park, or trace a route to walk or hike. If enough people get into this system it could be a great resource for travelers. Which is the business model.

PublicEarth is also being marketed to activity groups like RV and sports clubs, parents groups, birdwatchers, and so on. It can be used by social networks to collect and collate locations aimed at specific interests, which can help people with those interests when they visit a new region.

Of course, success hinges on contributions, and it's not easy to create a user-maintained location database that sticks. There's also competition: Wikimapia and Yelp come to mind. But if PublicEarth can affiliate with other travel resources it could work out. It is a very strong product. It has the potential to compete with the guidebook market.

OpenStreetMap is a crowdsourced map itself. The project was started before Google Maps came on to the scene, and while the search juggernaut's global road map is certainly more popular, there's a lot to be said for the OpenStreetMap approach. The fact that anyone with an interest in an area can create, correct, or update a map means you can get a lot of very specific data onto the map

Later this month a new map editor, MapZen, is coming to the system from CloudMade, a company that commercializes the OpenStreetMap project. MapZen will make it easier for mappers to create and correct roads and points of interest. An iPhone app, currently in approval limbo, will also make it easier for anyone to walk and map. And new social tools should be good for to help groups of "map buddies" coordinate their work.

OpenStreetMap currently matters more to people in less-mapped regions than to dwellers of hyper-mapped U.S. cities. But ultimately the system may enable new location-based apps and services thanks to its wide-open system.

Google has already added a form of crowdsourcing to its mapping services: Its traffic system gets location and speed data from its mobile users. (Users can get their own raw data through Latitude, if they wish.) But Google relies on its own private mapping data, and its own servers to deliver maps to users. It's an expensive model and it doesn't serve all users in all locations equally. The crowdsourced mapping model is a serious competitor to the proprietary map business.

Adobe launches new Flash, AIR beta

Labs Adobe on Monday released test versions of two base closely associated with Net-based applications, Flash Player 10.1 and AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) 2.
Flash is widely used for streaming video, interactive graphics and games to browsers, AIR, Flash with built as the basis for other applications on the desktop. Both are instrumental to the effort Adobe to Stay Ahead of the gradual expansion of the functions of HTML and web-related standards.

Flash-known support for which only 10.1 Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux computers, but also a variety of smart phones, although not yet built in support. What is the available hard-based Decoding Asked on the H.264 video format, Adobe said, improves performance and saves battery life. It also supports HTTP streaming of content protection technology to Adobe.

A Preliminary version of Flash Player 10.1 for Palm smartphones are expected later this year, Adobe said, and the final version for each system due in the first half of 2010.

AIR 2.0, Flash Player 10.1, which provides closer integration with desktop computers. For example, communication with USB storage devices, user interface Monitor multitouch, proposes the microphone audio data, web pages using HTML5 and CSS version 3, and use UDP Networks Useful in-game chat.

The final version of AIR 2 also in the first half of 2010, that is Adobe.

Reid on Senate Liberals choose public pressure

Aims Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) this week to secure the votes of moderate Democrats on Health Care Reform, a group of liberal Senators Monday without warning him to abandon the public-insurance option.

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who requested the meeting with Reid, said they believe that progressives are many options on the public - from Medicare-for each proposal to the Reid's proposal to create a plan to supply the national government for the state to opt out.

"Most of us in caucus as a strong choice public, supporting the way to Reid to make it," Brown said. "And we are confident that over time, as to broaden the debate and take us by amendment after amendment after this, we can get 60 votes."

He acknowledged various rates need convincing fashion, but said that little willingness among progressives back down.

The meeting served as another reminder that the public choice among Democrats through online. Even if Reid Able to convince mode rates, including Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) and Sen .. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.), to vote with Democrats on a procedural motion debate to begin before, on the floor caucus to fight hard on the shape of the public plan.

A Senate aide said that plans to discuss health care bill passed by the procedural maneuver known as the reconciliation - a favored by progressive activists because it would enable the Democrats to circumvent the 60-vote filibuster threshold. Supports the majority of the Democratic caucus of the public choice, and only 51 Senators would be required to allow the reconciliation legislation.

But after the hour-long meeting, Senators rejected a report that discussed the reconciliation.

"You must talk to the majority leader," Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) Said.

Schumer said the meeting point was "very smple. A large number of members who feel very strongly about the public choice and how we can achieve. There is also among everyone in the room, and each person in the caucus we have a desire to get aa bill, so the question is how do you resolve their goals. "

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), a moderate, present at the meeting as well, count reporters afterwards, that some compromise is necessary.

"They wanted to speak on the importance of the public choice to be in the bill, I understand," Baucus said. "But the biggest point that we must pass health care reform that hopefully by the end of this year. But we must pass it."

"I made the point that a child or 60 votes is a blessing and a curse," Baucus continued. "It is the curse side is difficult to obtain type 60. It is the blessing side of each person, each of the 60 Senators know that we must pass a health care reform. So there is not a strong driver to find that solution , to obtain a compromise to get some way to find a solution that bridges the gap between those who want to be strong with the public choice and the small Senators on the other side is not. There is always ways to get solutions here . "

Friday, November 13, 2009

Old Man in Safe Sex Video

Let the old man and a friend "Geranimo use condom" over and again, the video presentation that we come sex with a condom this Geranimo was like taking a bath with your SOCKS.

The ad is health education on the expected period of 1988 to give or take and use to promote safe sex. Could not the old man in the video to understand why kids complain today on the use of condoms from today condoms are so much better than the one he used throughout his life.

Woman survives Tumble Train Track

Woman Survives Train Track Tumble - Awesome video clips here

Splash! Mon NASA crash hit much water

Looks suddenly, the moon and exciting. It has plenty of water, scientists said Friday, with the exciting discovery has a ripple of hope for future astronaut in the outpost where the event is always swept and inhospitable.

Experts have long suspected that water was on Monday Confirmation came from the data provided NASA spacecraft deliberately crashed into Lunar crater last month churned."Yes, yes, we found the water. And we did not find it a little. We Found a significant amount," said Anthony Colaprete scientist result of the mission, held a white bucket of water stress.

The moon crash kicked at least 25 liter and directly what scientists could see plumes of impact, Colaprete said.Some space policy experts say makes the moon for inspection attractive again. Would like an abundance of water make it easier to set up a camp basis for astronauts, drinking water supply and an important ingredient in rocket fuel.

"After the final proof that water is a substantial step forward in making the moon an interesting place to go," said George Washington University space policy scholar John Logsdon.

However, members said the blue-ribbon panel to review the plans for the future of NASA does not change the conclusion that the program needs more money or be near the embankment. The panel wants to NASA to look at the other possible targets, such as asteroids and Mars.

"These new results and reassure us great Sun funds, ... but the challenges continue the manned space program," Chris Chyba, a Princeton astrophysicist, are on the panel, said in email.

President George W. Bush had proposed more than 100 billion U.S. dollar plan to return astronauts to the moon, then on to Mars, with a test flight set a new missile early success of Barack Obama last Monday to nominated as Chairman of the special panel to look at the Lunar exploration program at all. The decision is now the White House, and NASA's Lunar plans on hold is just so far.

In connection with unmanned exploration, which had previously noted the presence mission in Cráitéir Lunar hydrogen near the poles of the moon, possible evidence of ice. In September, scientists reported finding small amounts of surface water in the soil on the whole Mon Mon

But it was on the mission of NASA Participation October 9 of the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, LCROSS, provided stunning confirmation that announced Friday, the water in the form of ice and steam.

"In place of the dead and unchanging world would be really dynamic and very interesting," said Greg Delory the University of California, Berkeley, was not involved in the mission, led by the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif

The LCROSS spacecraft hit only on the presence on the moon and it is clear how much water is there throughout Monday

Mission in October two permanently shadowed part in crater near the south pole. First, the rocket hit an empty crater in Cabeus torso. Then, the last spacecraft recorded the live play before it crashed on the same site four minutes later.

While scientists were overjoyed with the abundance of data beamed back to earth, the mission was a public relations dud. Space enthusiasts stayed up all night to watch the spectacle that was the document about a huge plume trash.

NASA scientists had predicted the two effects could spit it in the light of dust miles. Instead, only one thousand images showed high-plume, and it did not appear that many amateur astronomers peering telescopes.

One month scientists busy analyzing data from the spacecraft spectrometers, instruments that could detect strong signals from the water molecules in the plume.

"There is evidence that water. Almost like he had a taste," said Peter Schultz, professor of geological sciences at Brown University and co-investigator on the LCROSS mission.

Was pleased Astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who in 1969 made a historic Apollo 11 moonwalk with Neil Armstrong, with the latest findings, but still believes the U.S. should be colonize Mars.

"The people overreact to the news, saying:" Let the water Rush to the moon, ' "said Aildrin." It is not justifiable. "

Mission scientists said that it would be more time to tease other was what kicked dust on the moon.
AP Science Writer Seth Borenstein contributed to this report.

Switzerland takes Google to court

Google Web Directory massive search before the trial in Switzerland because of concerns about privacy service Street View.

The full application view 360-level version of a street-level location.

Not "many forward and registration plates made known to many," said Hans Peter Thuer Data Commissioner.

Google said it was disappointed by the move. The company says it is confident that Street View is legal in Switzerland and will "vigorously contest" the case.

Online view

Lord Thuer concerned for people who demonstrated in particular in sensitive places such as hospitals, prisons or schools.

He also stated that the height of the camera problems, as it allowed opinions could fences, hedges and walls, which means that more can be seen from street view by passerby than normal.

The commissioner said Google was asked in August to various measures and the application did not comply.

It is likely to take months before the actual trial will start, but it would be more direct impact on the Swiss service available.

Thuer Lord has asked the court to Google pictures of all of Switzerland and stop further removal until a decision is made.

Former Congressman La sentenced to 13 years of bribes being

A former Louisiana congressman hid a famously $ 90,000 in cash in a freezer was sentenced Fri 13 years in prison for taking bribes, the longest term ever imposed on a congressman on bribery charges.

Convicted William Jefferson, a Democrat who represented parts of New Orleans nearly 20 years, in August to take about $ 500,000 in bribes and sought millions more in exchange for using their influence to broker deal of business in Africa.The sentence, and serious, yet was much less than what was sought.Agents prosecutors investigating the case found $ 90,000 in foil folded and hidden in boxes of frozen feet in ice crusts.

Prosecutors asked a court to follow federal guidelines and sentenced him to at least 27 years, but the judge Friday that the sentencing guidelines provisions calculated on 22 years instead of 27. The defense requested less than 10 years, calling for more severe punishment would be much longer than those applicable to Congressmen convicted of similar offenses in recent years, none of them were sentenced to more than ten years.

Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., Was sentenced example, more than eight years in prison after plead guilty in 2005 to 2.4 million U.S. dollars in bribes from defense contractors to adopt. Was sentenced former Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, to 2 1 / 2 years in prison for taking bribes from lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Former Rep. James traficants, D-Ohio, was a 7-year sentence after a trial in 2002 of bribery and extortion.

Prosecutor Mark Lytle that were coming out of Jefferson arrangements, I stood from the hundreds of millions of dollars in 11 separate bribery schemes.

"The action represented the most extensive and forleatach pattern of corruption in the history of Congress," Lytle said.Jefferson 's lawyer, Robert Trout, said his client has been approved, and the level of responsibility do, I believed that I was also active in the law. And he urged the court to consider Jefferson lifted themselves up from poverty on the first African-American to represent Louisiana in Congress from Re.

"He has led an extraordinary life," said Trout.

U. S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III that he was a Jefferson life history into account, but the public ought to deal with serious corruption.

The "Public corruption cancer on the body politic," said Ellis, who had complained that many congressmen convicted of other charges such. "Introduction of a virus that attacks the greed in power."

Jefferson that nothing in court after he was - Trout dhaoradh Jefferson said he advised not to talk because it is challenging a conviction in Jefferson appeals body.

If convicted, Jefferson showed no response to the verdict, nor a wife and five Daughters of the growth in attendance at the hearing.

Two of the giúróirí present at the hearing also convicted Jefferson, who fought back in Tears of the hearing which lasted three hours. Reduce its comment.

Jefferson was allowed to be free pending a hearing next week. Prosecutors want him to start his sentence immediately, but the defense Jefferson would be free and he appealed to convict.

Jefferson was also according to forfeit approximately $ 470,000 in bribe proceeds - the government expects the Jefferson retirement savings and other assets to be confiscated to enforce the ruling. Jefferson, in the meantime, the protection of bankruptcy and his wife are claiming rights to some of the assets.

Because he was sentenced to more than 10 years, he has a special exemption from the court approved his time in camp low-security prison to serve. Ellis agreed to recommend the waiver, but it is the Bureau of Prisons to decide when Jefferson served his time.

Jefferson convicted in August 11 counts, including bribery and extortion, and acquitted five others, including one of the closest connection with the money is frozen.

The investigation began in March 2005. In August of that year, FBI agents searched a home Washington and Jefferson received the money. Prosecutors said he intended to use the money to pay bribes to the then Vice-President of Nigeria to provide multi-one million dollar telecommunications deal Jefferson to reject accusation.

The money end up in frozen after unhappy businesswoman, Lori Mody, agreed to wear wire after telling the FBI she was cheated out of $ 3.5 million in deals brokered by Jefferson. The jury saw the videotape of Mody handing over a suitcase stuffed with $ 100,000 in cash outside of Arlington hotel. Were found most of the money in the freezer.

Defense argument that Jefferson was good with a private business consultant in brokering deals and bribery are not Deeds.

New Orleans voters were long faithful to Jefferson, Louisiana congressman in 1991 the first African American from Re. He rose from the poverty of the Delta Louisiana parishes known as street-savvy political tactician.

He was reelected in 2006 even after news of the bribery scandal beginning, but was indicted and subsequently lost to Republican lawyer Anh "Joseph" Cao last December.