Photos attacking me: a woman clutching her belly lean from the University of Tehran, after the coup, and a woman for a long time after Gesturing to his men to achieve progress in the shirt of the Basij militia, the shiny; distillation of women shedding tears of indignation, and that the girl screaming and said, "We are all angry and they kill us all ? "
How can the revolution to kill her children? Generation after 1979 has increased, and not only, but in his head. Perhaps Iran can not be an exception to the rule that revolutions devour their own.
A friend told me she did not know his wife. Has a lot of problems in school, reluctantly submissive. Now, this is revolutionary. "I followed as it led us to surface." Death to the dictator ", which stems from the night was a rare and brutal.
Women in March 1979, as well. But when women got the revolution ousted. Appearance has become a pillar of the Islamic state. She told me a woman who was 20 when he was trying to overthrow the Shah. And it is just "" we want freedom, then, we have now. "
In effect, is simple: the laws could be imposed on the girl's marriage 13; discriminatory laws on inheritance, and segregation on the shores of the Caspian Sea, and the humiliation of his arrest revealed a group or an ankle length skirt) who received a bullet to the wind can show a flash of leg is forbidden ), the stifling of the lead artist who is known to raise his hands to his neck.
Yes, it is simple. From the outset, the scheme aimed at women, and appreciation that the patriarchal culture of the country to adopt the idea of Islamic dictates that the status of women in their place. "
And then again in Iran is not simple. One of the benefits of the massive demonstration of resistance to the theft of the vote, and the future is awakened to the vitality of U.S. citizens of Iranian society - a country in fact real people, rather than to a group of clerics who have the problem of nuclear weapons.
This is the difference. Iran has no nuclear, does not mean that there is the problem went away (on the contrary), but the sense that the approximation image, as well as any bombs or bomb, and set up for you.
Nada invited Iran and the killing of Agha Sultan peak bearded Mullah, who was eleven. Young people, and talk, link, called Nada, and only wants to live his life. It reflects the sense of trying to entice Iran to the beginning of this year.
In the sense, the women of the generation between 20 to take advantage of the revolution, and I forget that simple. She received The Ayatollah of traditional families to educate their children. Today 60 percent of university students are women, nearly double the figure in 1982.
Here close to the tragedy of this election. Vote is a chance to narrow the gap between the rapid development of the high level of education and women and order. Previous elections have worked for this purpose, and inspired the religious institution in the reform-minded.
Instead, the difficult group, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has chosen a historic mistake. Iran on leaves, on Iran, which was not yet born.
I do not want to suggest that Iran is a country thirsting for women to express their chador. As I said I am happy to Leylaz I was in prison, along with most of the reformists in Iran, the brain trust "in our heads, the feet of tradition and modernity." Rahnavard flower will be a strong woman, Mir Hussein Moussavi, the leader of the opposition, because they are inspired by suffering.
When I asked a friend of the supporters of Ahmadinejad in the case, and the sharp answer: because "with all the whores is Moussaoui." Cultural battle lines clearly drawn in the June 12.
Women's anger with the State, of course. But I'm also angry at the way in which the people of negative discrimination. Strong! The battle is hard! These letters from the applicant the old frustrations.
Courage and pain to find. We need to describe them Delacroix. We need President Obama to make the commitment - even right now in the medium term - to keep the name.
Islam has a lot to say about the rights of women, and clerics in Qom have a lot of training because it says the opposite of what I have said previously. Might be the revolution of women tend manner. But against the tightening of her home, and never at a loss.
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