At this moment, the state of the art machine, and we have chosen because the children in my upper middle class suburb of Great neck, New York, and they were all, as if the local libraries. I have several years of using this system, and the accumulation of huge quantities of software by "commercial" (We do not have the name of "piracy" when I went to their homes and copied Floppies play with locks and cells and even dragons and later traded to the Apple of the Independent Inquiry Committee, "the Agreement" and variations the previous unit.
Apple] [series of the distinction of personal computers, Steve Wozniak) the real start of the technical brains behind Apple Computer Inc.) is responsible for the engineering. After a plane crash near death in February of 1981, Wozniak spent time recovering from the loss of memory, and a university degree. He did not return to Apple for another two years, but by that time was completely out of the workshop on the development of products and businesses in largely symbolic and catalytic.
In 1984, Apple Macintosh. By that time, my interests have gravitated towards the PC XT IBM and Microsoft, such as Tandon Doss reproduction and very advanced, and my father who bought his dental practice to run, and you want to know that today's software companies currently used, such as Lotus 123, WordStar, dBase, and Harvard University drawings. My Apple of the Independent Inquiry Committee, and was still useful, as reflected in the people. 1984 is the year I came in contact with the first full-FANBOY, first cousin, Andrew.
I remember clearly the moment. I was 15 or 16 years, and was visiting my aunt and uncle at his home in New Rochelle, New York, and Andrew, and since several years my senior, and the pride of the new Mac released only recently.
Andrew, on time, in the second or third year of college, I had advice to his room to show me the machine, in an attempt to appeal to my colleague geekishness. Which was very small, and integrated with the central processing unit and control of small, had a graphical user interface, state-of-the-art at that time. It 128K memory, as opposed to the 384K jack on your computer. But with the word processing program, full of writing and drawing a simple paint program Mac.
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